
I added to this site links to blogs that I particularly like. You’ll see the links in  the blog roll on the right side of the screen. Check them out.

These are all blogs that I find interesting and moving. They’re not all about grief by any means…just personal reflections on life.

I’ll add to this list as I either remember more or see new ones.



Three Words

I’ve been picking three words as a theme for the year for several years now. Well, I’ve picked three words each year but sometimes only one or two words really come through for me. One year I chose the word reduce as one of my three words and that’s the year that I got rid of a lot of things in my house by having the estate sale and was the year that I really started to lose weight. This year my three words are:

  • pull-up:  I like pull-up because I’ve set a goal at the gym (Summa Wellness Institute in Hudson) to do one pull up. That is an unbelievably difficult goal for me but I’m working on it. I also like the whole “bootstrap” thing. So, the multiple meanings work well for me.
  • income: I could not think of a multi-meaning word that really got to the point for me on this so I went with the word that means what is important for me. I really need to focus on generating income now that I’m self-employed
  • consolidate: I want to consolidate my possessions and actions so that I’m living a more efficient life and in a less cluttered environment.

If you’re not familiar withe the idea of choosing three words for the year over setting resolutions, read Chris Brogran’s blog about it. He started this in 2006 and has been using it ever since and encouraging the rest of the world to follow suit.

Three Words 2015: Pull-Up, Consolidate, Income

Three Words 2015

Widow Walking: A Blog

My friends are paying attention now that I’ve started this blog. I’m so happy at the response my writings have received. It’s wonderful.

Now, when I tell someone a story about Dave or what I’m doing now, I hear, “put that in your blog!” That makes me laugh though sometimes I think it’s a great idea.

Also, several of you have said you wanted to share this blog with widowed friends but you weren’t sure if you should. All I can tell you is  that a number of people who are going through grief have said that they recognized what I am describing. So, please feel free to share this site. Maybe it might help your friends to know others suffer too. If it doesn’t help, I don’t think it will hurt. I certainly hope not!

Of course, it occurs to me that there are people I haven’t directed to this site. I guess if I’m not emailing someone or chatting on Facebook, I don’t think to mention I’ve started a blog.